AIDS 1.058 APK Última Versión para Android (GRATIS)
Hola queridos visitantes
Polisaberes te brinda la posibilidad de disfrutar de la ultima version de Aids con esta app ahora puedes descargar canciones de Deezer directamente a tu teléfono o tableta Android, es muy sencillo y rápido descargar tu música preferida; y completamente gratis.
¿Cómo descargar e instalar AIDS APK?
Puedes descargar la app de AIDS para Android de forma gratuita, e inclusive no hace falta ni tan siquiera registrarse con Deezer para descargar las canciones; contrario a DEEMIX.
A continuación el enlace de descarga del archivo de instalación de AIDS en formato APK.
Descargar | Download
Descarga el archivo de instalación, desde el enlace provisto arriba. Y toca el botón AZUL grande.
Cuando haya terminado la descarga del archivo, abajo en la pantalla de tu dispositivo Android te saldrá un mensaje con la descargar terminada.
En la próxima ventana toca el botón de Instalar. instalar APK de AIDS
Cuando haya finalizado la instalación, abre la aplicación. La primera vez que abras AIDS para Android, te aparecerá una alerta solicitando permisos para acceder contenido multimedia en tu dispositivo. Toca el botón de Permitir; ya que es necesario otorgar estos permisos para que la app pueda descargar las canciones y almacenarlas en tu dispositivo Android.
Pues simplemente lo que debes hacer es, descargar la App, el link se los estaré dejando por acá abajo, y deben de activar los orígenes desconocidos desde los ajustes del teléfono para que puedan instalar la App. Y después pues simplemente le dan a instalar y luego, pues a disfrutar de esta grandiosa App
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#descargarAidsAPK #AidsUltimaVersion
users o arl para usar :
When it comes to listening to streaming music on Android, there are some applications that stand out above the rest. Spotify is probably the best known to most users. Although we also find some alternatives such as Deezer, which has become one of the applications with the greatest presence in the market. It even has its own version for Android, available for some time.
Related to Deezer we can find an application called AIDS on Android. A name that surely does not sound familiar to most of you but that can be interesting to know. Therefore, below I explain how this application that is currently hitting it works and how to download and configure it to be able to download all the songs we want, in maximum quality, officially and even with integrated lyrics and official album covers even in 4K.
As you already know, Deezer is a music streaming application. It stands out for having a wide catalog of songs, in addition to making more than 30,000 different radio stations available to users. So it is a very versatile option when listening to music on the phone. An essential app in this sense that we can accompany with AIDS in this case to download all our music and enjoy it when, where and how we want.
First you have to download AIDS. You will have all the links at the end of this post so that you can access and download them without problems.
Once we have AIDS installed on our Android device, we will have a search engine, which will allow us to search for all the songs or discs that we want to download. The process will be quite simple, we will only look for the song, playlist or album and we will download it. The interface is very easy to use, but when downloading we will find an error and we will not be able to download anything, this is quite simple to solve.
AIDS is completely free but in order to download all the content we want we have to link it in some way to our official Deezer account.
We will access the official Deezer website, we will log into our account or create a totally new one and once inside, we will only have to press the F12 key on our keyboard or right click of the mouse and inspect.
We will get a lot of information from the page where we are, we will have to click on the two arrows that point to the right of the screen right next to the different options that we will see above, such as Elements, Console or Source. Once inside we select the section that says Storage, Cookies and click on the official address of Deezer in this case.
Once inside, we will see how a table with a lot of data opens on our right, we will only have to look for the name called ARL and copy the value associated with it (it is a fairly long number, we will copy it with ctrl + c or right click copy).
We will return to our AIDS application installed on our computer, we will enter settings and we will see how at the beginning of these it gives us the option to enter an ARL or Token code, we copy our code associated to the Deezer account there, save, exit the app and we will see how upon entering there will be no error related to the ARL code and we will be able to start downloading and enjoying all the content.
In the links below you will also have an ARL code in a text file to download in case you do not want to carry out the entire process mentioned above. Of course, it is highly recommended to get your own ARL code as we have mentioned above, from deezer and using your account since with the one that I offer to download you may have some other download problem with the songs, it is a process more fast but with more risks.
Once this is done, we can download any song, playlist or album we want normally.
It is important to mention that the quality of the music download can be configured in the options, it has no loss. From normal quality, to the maximum quality allowed FLAC or HIFI. In addition to this, we can also do the same with the lyrics of the songs and their official covers, selecting the quality we want you to have, from 120p to 1080 and 4K.
Without a doubt, AIDS APK is an essential application if we want to have all our music saved and available in maximum and official quality on our Android device. A very good application that brings us much closer to the premium version of Deezer, Spotify, Tidal etc ... on PC.
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